You've been canvassed!
It was a bit like the old tango ad - you know when you've been canvassed. I'm not often canvassed during elections because I'm always home closer to eight or later and sure who's ever about over the weekends so it was with a bit of a suprise that I got my first doorstep experience with a canvasser.
Roll up, Mr Canvasser for Peter Power, who did all the introductions that I assume are the norm and then said sure "You'll think of Peter, won't you ?" (minus marks from the start but hey!) to which I replied "I work in IT and I haven't seen any major IT companies coming to Limerick in the last 5 years and in fact a number of my friends have lost their jobs in the mean while and gone to Dublin for work...." (Opening here for Mr Canvasser) to which he replied "But things have been good", I then said "So what about Dell and contingency plans ?" to which he said he had family working (I really doubt it but maybe) there who said it was fine, I countered his argument as I've heard from real people who work there that its questionable and he then said "Sure if Dell go, sure we'll find something else...". At this point, I realised I was talking to a complete muppet and I told him I couldn't vote for his candidate and said goodnight.
The whole conversation showed me the complete and utter disregard that FF have for voters, I asked reasonable questions which effect my future and the future of my city and it was like "Sure things are grand..." type responses. The whole incident might be a little unfair as I have canvassed before and will ask the hard questions but I kinda like Peter Power so I figured I'd let him off easy but even he couldn't give a good glib answer like "Sure there's a new data warehouse going up in Raheen, there'll be a few jobs there" (I would have in his place!).
Its true I wasn't going to vote for FF but to be fair one always needs to hear both sides of the argument and well the arrogance and hollowness I got from that FF canvasser just proves that foot soldiers of Destiny are empty vessels pretty much like the rest of their party.
Roll up, Mr Canvasser for Peter Power, who did all the introductions that I assume are the norm and then said sure "You'll think of Peter, won't you ?" (minus marks from the start but hey!) to which I replied "I work in IT and I haven't seen any major IT companies coming to Limerick in the last 5 years and in fact a number of my friends have lost their jobs in the mean while and gone to Dublin for work...." (Opening here for Mr Canvasser) to which he replied "But things have been good", I then said "So what about Dell and contingency plans ?" to which he said he had family working (I really doubt it but maybe) there who said it was fine, I countered his argument as I've heard from real people who work there that its questionable and he then said "Sure if Dell go, sure we'll find something else...". At this point, I realised I was talking to a complete muppet and I told him I couldn't vote for his candidate and said goodnight.
The whole conversation showed me the complete and utter disregard that FF have for voters, I asked reasonable questions which effect my future and the future of my city and it was like "Sure things are grand..." type responses. The whole incident might be a little unfair as I have canvassed before and will ask the hard questions but I kinda like Peter Power so I figured I'd let him off easy but even he couldn't give a good glib answer like "Sure there's a new data warehouse going up in Raheen, there'll be a few jobs there" (I would have in his place!).
Its true I wasn't going to vote for FF but to be fair one always needs to hear both sides of the argument and well the arrogance and hollowness I got from that FF canvasser just proves that foot soldiers of Destiny are empty vessels pretty much like the rest of their party.
Well Braz,
I'm suprised to hear that you were in at all these nights - thought you would be out canvassing with the blue shirts!
You surely have moved up in the canvassing world from the days you were giving out lollipops for the young PD's in UL??
Make sure you go out and vote on thursday, im getting weary from listening to people on the door saying they are not bothering to go out and vote at all - it makes you wonder why people gave their lives in order for us to live in a democracy?
One things for sure - it will be an interesting one!
All the best,
Shelly ; )
Misseyshelly, at 10:44 p.m.
I've been trying to do the canvass/PhD balance thing ;-) But fingers crossed that its Fine Gael and Labour come the weekend with perhaps a sprinkle of Green if necessary.
It was the young FG's and sure they were nice lollipops!
It will be the most interesting one that I can remember that is for sure!
Eoin Brazil, at 11:11 a.m.
I remember joining Fianna Fail in college in exchange for a lolipop.
It wasa few months after that that I got a letter thanking me for my 200 donation to the party. I hadn't given them any money and I always wondered whether it was a ligitimate mistake or whether they were laundering large donations my breaking them into small ones.
The Busy Engineer, at 1:44 p.m.
ah sure jesus Eoin, relax, it will all be fine in the end. la la la la la.
Anonymous, at 2:11 p.m.
At least you got canvassed. Kevin O'Donnels team arrived up Monday evening and that was the sum total of people coming to look for votes.
czajkowski, at 4:22 p.m.
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