
Monday, April 25, 2005

Monday's Review

The three current FG web based campaigns with policies and proposed solutions: on the rip off culture that exists in Ireland. on how the State is enjoying your ignorance of the current tax system all at your expense ! on the problem of anti-social behavior in Ireland.

The latest from open source American activism with AdvoKit which is a Web application for Voter ID/GOTV campaigns that aims to facilitate the efficient collaboration of large numbers of people, volunteer recruitment and Voter ID/GOTV.

The Blair Ditch project which is another campaign aimed squarely against Tony Blair. More on blogging with Vote for Blogs: diarists sharpen their pens in the online election from the Times and It's uncut, leftwing and Pooterish from the Guardian.

From the world of Sci-Fi, next Saturday on BBC we'll be treated to the return of the Daleks, well one at least to the new Doctor Who series.


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