
Friday, August 05, 2005

Friday Roundup

Well I'm a happy camper - I got a great link to a nice photo album from a sweet Ozzie! In other links we gotten more on garbage and waste management actually for a real eye opening on the topic why not take the Ecological Footprint Quiz, Usability Professionals' Association is currently running a survey of usability professionals so click here to take the survey, for your listening pleasure there are a couple of shows over at ITConversations including Lisa See on a language, known only to women in a remote Chinese province and kept secret for 1,000 years, and explore how she went in search of this language. There is also John Lupton of MedCare Systems from Sydney, Australia talking about new tech and how it can improve our health and keep us out of hospitals. The lastest version of Tor is out with some new security fixes. Want to do that armchair tour of European Capitals, well thanks to Google you can!

Speaking of all things interesting, wonder what Dan and the lads will be doing for this year's Puck Fair?

Dale Carrico's response to all the interest to his essay "Live Long and Prosper: A Program of Technoprogressive Social Democracy". Here's one thats more down Shane or Vardit avenue, "Can Nano Learn from Bio?". Still reading Citizen Cyborg which I must say offers quite an interesting set of arguments and possibilities for the future.


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