Girlie Guinness
Well the latest brew for testing by two old crusties, that being Alan and myself was Guinness Medium Strength, it failed. As we're both regular Guinness drinkers (crusties I know!) we couldn't find anything worthwhile about their new brew. Its first taste was acceptable but rapidly declined to a watery tasteless pap. Neither of us managed more than half a pint which was a poor showing as both our pints were free samples from a Guinness rep. The rep couldn't even find a decent reason for us to change to the beer! Guinness are testing several new brews country wide so maybe one of those will prove a better beer. Maybe the Guinness export will be the next one to hit Limerick but for now, both Alan and I are sticking to the tried and tested.
Old Guinness 1 - Girlie Guinness 0
Old Guinness 1 - Girlie Guinness 0
If it works, don't fix it. You can't improve a product - Guinness - that's already perfect. I had 1 trial pint in the past week and the Mid Strength stuff is checmical rubbish. I will never allow it to touch my body again.
cyberviking, at 1:53 a.m.
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