Friday - Odds and ends
Firstly, you can Make your Vote Count in the UK by campaigning for a better system than first past the post, PRSTV maybe ?. An article offering voters advice on Electoral fraud from They Work For You (where you also check a report card on your local MP) via The Skakagrall. Seems that voter and postal fraud isn't limited to the mainland UK with the BBC reporting on a PSNI investigation in Dungannon. Slugger O'Toole's got an interesting piece "Dirty Tricks Department Caught Out?" on the Alliance Party who have reported the UUP to the Electoral Commission over an alleged dirty trick campaign. The focus of the complaint surrounds a leaflet recently distributed in key Alliance Party areas. The leaflet (front and back) has some interesting connections with the printing company responsible for several noted UUP leaflets.
Fancy searching a book for that particular quote or fact - well Google to the rescue with their new Google Print service. Keep an eye on the Bush Administration's policies on their effect on environmental and public health at BushGreenwatch.
Not quite a epolitics game but a very well done page with a Social Security Calculator so you can see the actual changes to your income from the Bush Administration's latest changes. This is a neat little idea with a lot of application to other areas as it doesn't require the development time of a game merely a good graphical designer.